Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Organizational Change

It has been almost two weeks since the announcement on the change to the organizational structure of the company & our division. Everybody has been talking about it. Tapi semua orang bercakap senyap2 saja. Tak ada la lagi orang yang openly bercakap about it. Banyak orang tertanya-tanya what it is gonna be like without him in our division. He has been with us since day one, and has always been there for all of us. He has guided us a lot, cared for us and adviced us as a big brother, father, uncle etc. Indeed we will be missing him a lot. Even orang yang baru join the company dah mula rasa akan kehilangan En Hussin apatah lagi kami yang dah lama ada di company ni.

I have not felt so engaged with a company I worked for before this, not like what I felt now with Semasa. The working culture we have in the company banyak telah dimulakan oleh En Hussin. Eventhough kita emphasize on work performance but kita still maintain the 'happy mood' and the 'family' relationship at work. It all started with him sebab the value taught to us was based on respect for each other, care for one another and always look out for each other. I believe semua di Semasa share the same value at workplace. I believe he is the first top management to make it a point to meet the staffs every month without fail; to update everyone on the development of the company. Dalam setiap staff gathering, he will be giving everyone his advice and show his concern over staff development. Jangan terkejut kalau he even knows you dah ada anak berapa, atau pada yang bujang, sekarang ni ada girlfriend nama apa, kawan dengan siapa, semua dia tau. Not busy body but care for the staff.

Well.... I think things are going to change from next week onwards. Mood kerja kat office dah tentu akan bertukar sampailah kita dah adapt to the change. Kalau tidak, pagi-pagi dia akan datang round kat office area just to check on us - masuk kerja ke tak, or masuk tapi dok bersembang aje atau dah masuk kerja tapi masih dok makan lagi kat pantry. The charm and charismatic character dalam office tu dah tak ade. Tak adala lagi kita nak beratur beramai-ramai depan pintu office untuk bersalam raya dengan En Hussin. Atau nak dengar dia mengejek cara orang cakap. Hmm... macam2 lagi example kalau nak ditulis dalam nie sampai besok tak habis2 dok menulis.

Anyway, I personally would like to wish En Hussin all the best in the new workplace, and would like to thank him for all the guidance, advice, and the sharing of thoughts, joy and laughter with me throughout my service in the company. Thank you again boss....

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