Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Open House

I had to attend the PSMB conference today in Sunway which ends tomorrow. Disebabkan ada BSD punya open house today, so I cabutla awal eventhough we have interesting topics for talks in the afternoon. Had to miss attending them sebab kena attend BSD punya open house in the afternoon.

Bila sampai station, it was already nearing 4pm. Semua org dah dok start sesi photography - macam selalu. Budak Semasa ni semua mmg sawan gambar sikit. Pantang ada staf yg pegang camera, ada saja post2 menarik yg nk ditunjukkan. Tak kira la boss tu sombong ke, bos suka gelak ke, skema ke, bos garang ke, abis semua disuruh bergambar. TApi yg paling best bila our ex-bos chose to cramp duduk makan kat meja kami yang dah sediakala penuh dengan anak2 dara & mak2 orang. Jangan jeles ye meja sebelah..... usual, kami pun berebut2 tangkap gambar dgn dia - seronok giler! Boss - I promise to go & kemas your room minggu ni okay, jangan merajuk tau.

To all yang telah membantu to make the event a success, thank you so much. I can see Aida senyum melebar sampai ke telinga, Miza dengan muka penat tetapi tetap maintain, Seb berpeluh2 melayan guests & juga membungkus lauk - thanks for packing the satay for me. To the adik2 dari Warisan ....?? - cute abis. To Shahnim pulak, Happy Birthday again, dimurahkan rezeki, cepat dapat jodoh & jangan marah2 selalu. Hope you like the present you got today - takla pathetic kan 27th birthday awak?

Tomorrow will be another day of training & networking with the HR practitioners. Manala tau, kot2 jumpa good contacts yg blh bagi rezeki - amin.....


  1. "I can see Aida senyum melebar sampai ke telinga"
    My God. Really. It's been so long since i last being happy doing work. I hope i can remain like this forever.There goes the difference doing the things you like and expert in, rather than things you were asked to. huhuhuhu... HELP ME.

  2. yup. not that pathetic anymore. woot woot!
