Monday, April 20, 2009


Finally the management has issued the memo on the change in the orga structure of the company. It came to a surprise to everyone but since I've known about it a couple of weeks ago, it's a time to "finally accept the fact" that it's happening for real. Things will not be the same anymore after this. Our most top management is moving to another division and we are going to get a new boss starting early may. Dont quite sure what to expect. I heard that there will be a change in the office layout. What bothers me most is they are going to take over my room and god knows where they are going to put me next. I dont mind they are taking my room but the way it was conveyed to our management just pissed me off. Outsiders seem to have too much information with them and using these information to boss us around.

It is sad having to loose a great boss. The father figure will no longer be around to look after us, to give us advise, to console us and to guide us. Working for him for the past 8 years have definitely taught me a lot. I have developed my career under his guidance.

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